Cakemail for resellers

Make Cakemail your business

Generate additional revenue streams from your existing customers or use Cakemail to get a new business up and running.

Companies partnering with Cakemail to wow their customers

Cakemail has the tools and support to help your clients and organizations of all sizes grow.
Logo LogilysLogo BrossardLogo Université MontréalLogo NeosapiensLogo Radio-Canada

Enjoy flexibility with design, branding, domains and more

Full app rebranding

Add your own logo, colours, custom CSS, languages and integrated tools to adapt the entire user experience to
your brand.

True white label

Our platform fades into the background while you get all the credit… down to the tiny details like link-tracking domains, custom sign-up pages and service integrations.

Customized app and tracking links

Sending, tracking, bounces and other domains can be completely customized using your own domains. Every little detail can be tailored to your needs.

Email authentication

We support DKIM (shared or dedicated), SPF/SenderID and DMARC methods of authentication, and we encourage our clients to support them too to ensure a high rate of delivery.

Make money with email marketing

Preferred pricing & revenue sharing

We offer a significant margin on industry-based pricing, which means that your email marketing will be profitable almost immediately.

Add recurring revenue

With ongoing client relationships, your agency can have recurring revenue coming in while you focus on spending your time on billable work.

Delight small business customers with a professional email marketing platform

High sending capacity

Whether you have to scale sending capacity quickly, send a high volume of seasonal or cyclical emails, deliver on the fly or use dedicated IPs, image and/or content hosting, you're subject to the ever-changing sending/receiving rules and throughput limits of individual ISPs.

Cakemail manages the sending and reporting of millions and millions of emails, structured in a variety of ways, ensuring data security and compliance every time.

Managed deliverability

When it comes to sending broadcast emails, managing things like proper authentication, unsubscribes, bounces, spam complaints and feedback loops is key to maintaining your sender reputation. But not everyone has the resources, expertise or time to do so.  

Cakemail manages deliverability for you, ensuring that your emails reach the inbox and that your sending domains don’t get blocked or blacklisted by ISPs.

Multilingual & translatable

While other email service providers operate exclusively in English, Cakemail is proud to support multiple languages. Our language options allow you to tailor every last detail, from your customer’s user interface language to the language of a particular contact list, to supporting special characters.

And if your language isn't available, we're happy to work with you to translate the application into however many languages you need.

Whatever you need, we've got your back

Support & resources

Our team of product experts and our robust knowledge base are available to help your customers when in need . Using Cakemail’s white label functionality? We’ll train your support team so they can help your customers instead.

Partner hub

Want to know what’s happening now? Welcome to the partner hub. It's set up to help you keep track of new customers and email volume, as well as monitor email delivery issues.

Partner API

Limited to qualified partners, the Partner API allows resellers to support their clients by performing all the operations offered by the Cakemail APIs, including list synchronization, campaign management, logging and reporting. With the Partner API, you can seamlessly provision, configure, manage and monitor sub-accounts.

Sales support

The more you sell, the more we sell. So we’re here to help! With sales materials like feature lists, website content and numerous educational resources, we have all of the tools you need to quickly and easily articulate what Cakemail’s email platform does (all without having to write any new content yourself). It's win-win!

Adding recurring revenue to your business with Cakemail's reseller program

Chat with Cakemail's sales team for more info

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